Customer Experience Excellence Standards
- Category:Accreditation / Customer Experience Standards
Customer Experience Excellence Standards has been developed to offer all organisations a practical tool for driving customer focused change.
The foundation of this tool is the Customer Experience Excellence Standard Principle , which is a mix of research, management and operational models and, most importantly, practical experience of providing services. The standard has particular focus on delivery, timeliness, information, professionalism and staff attitude. There is also emphasis placed on developing customer insight, understanding the user’s experience and robust measurement of service satisfaction.
- Customer Experience Excellence is designed to operate on three distinct levels:
- As a driver of continuous improvement by allowing organisations to self-assess their capability, in relation to customer-focused service delivery, by identifying areas and methods for improvement.
- As a skills development tool By allowing individuals and teams within the organisation to explore and acquire new skills in the area of customer focus and customer engagement, thus building their capacity for delivering improved services.
- As an independent validation of achievement by allowing organisations to seek formal accreditation to the Customer Experience Excellence standard, demonstrate their competence, identify key areas for improvement and celebrate their success.